Our Transportation Department is responsible for the safe and efficient transport of students and district employees. Our bus drivers follow all state regulations regarding school bus operation and traffic laws. You can rest easy knowing that your child’s safety is our top priority.
Bus Rules
To be sure that students are transported safely, we expect certain behavior of all JASD students. Any behavior that interferes with a driver’s ability to operate his/her bus safely or jeopardizes the safety or property of one’s self or peers is inappropriate. We expect all students to follow the bus rules.
- Stay off roadways until buses come to a complete stop.
- Be seated and remain seated while the bus is moving.
- Do not throw objects of any kind on the bus.
- Do not use profane, indecent, or lewd language.
- Do not eat or drink on the bus.
- Ride your assigned bus.
All preschool and kindergarten students must have a parent/guardian at the bus stop before leaving the bus. If an adult is not waiting at the bus stop, young students will be returned to the school.
Transportation Staff
Gail Luhr
Central Office Assistant
(814) 965-2536, ext. 3404