Mission & Vision

The Madison Liberty Institute is an independent research and educational organization whose mission is to promote the founding principles of the American republic, free-market solutions, and “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”
Our vision is for a freer and more prosperous future. One where our neighbors and future leaders understand and champion the virtues and institutions that create a more harmonious society and protect our rights to life, liberty, property, conscience, and the pursuit of happiness.


How the Madison Liberty Institute Engages Our Future Leaders

The various programs of our SparkFreedom project require participating students to regularly attend and actively take part in weekly seminars held at the Madison Liberty Institute’s SparkFreedom center located in Rexburg, Idaho near the campus of BYU-Idaho.
Our student scholars, under the guidance of our senior fellows, are required to write and publish a research paper towards the end of their term with the Madison Liberty Institute. The studies will be presented at one of our forums or other public events. The papers will also be published on our website and distributed to other partner organizations and publications.
We produce regular op-eds, posts, and commentaries for public distribution using traditional, social, and other media outlets.
Whether it be a public forum, research presentation, speaker roundtable, annual dinner, or some other community event, the students of our SparkFreedom project and leaders of our BrushFires project play an active role in the planning and execution of all events.
How the Madison Liberty Institute Advances Virtues and Institutions

Our senior fellows and student scholars conduct timely research projects centered on free enterprise; limited, constitutional government; individual freedom; and, traditional American values.
Our SparkFreedom and BrushFires produced forums are a means for the Madison Liberty Institute to serve and educate the community and our fellow neighbors. Open to the public and streamed over the internet, the forums provide an opportunity to engage, educate, discuss, and share our research and activities – thus our mission and vision – with the local community and beyond.
The Madison Liberty Institute and A More Peaceful, Prosperous Society

Our SparkFreedom graduates and BrushFires patriots are our future leaders. It is they who will carry the torch of freedom and champion the vision of the Madison Liberty Institute by bringing their views and experience into their homes, workplace, communities, and schools.
It is our hope that the studies and research projects championed by the Madison Liberty Institute will provide that guidance for prosperous and peaceful societies.
Why the Madison Liberty Institute? What’s in a name?

The Madison Liberty Institute is named after James Madison.
The quickest and, perhaps, most simple explanation is that the organization was founded and headquartered in Madison County, Idaho. However, that explanation alone is not the case. James Madison was a champion for liberty, president of the United States, father of the U.S. Constitution, and architect of the Bill of Rights.
We are proud to honor the last founding father and carry on the cause of liberty in his name as the Madison Liberty Institute.