Safety Committee
Our district safety committee exists to have all employees accept personal responsibility for the safety of themselves, their fellow workers, students, and the general public.
Staff representatives meet monthly on the 3rd Thursday in the High School Information Center, and post meeting agendas here as a matter of public record.
Safety Committee Meetings
- December
- November 16, 2021
- October 18, 2021
- September 15, 2021
- August 19, 2021
- July 21, 2021
- June 3, 2021
- May 19, 2021
- April 21, 2021
- March 17, 2021
- February 17, 2021
- January 20, 2021
Use of Facilities
If you are interested in using the facilities within our district, please review the information below and return the appropriate forms to our central office.
- Use of Facility Application
- School Facilities User Fees

We know that the best learning takes place in a safe, clean, and cared-for environment, and our Maintenance & Operations Department makes this possible. Whether they’re providing maintenance on our air conditioning system, cleaning our classrooms, or working on the grounds, the members of this department know what it takes to keep everything running smoothly behind the scenes.
Asbestos Management
Buildings erected before 1978 may contain asbestos, a cancer-causing agent. Asbestos is a naturally occurring, fire resistant material that was once used to make insulation material, ceiling tile, linoleum and floor tile, and building adhesives. When disturbed, its fibers can lodge in the lungs and pose health risks. The district is working to mitigate that risk and offers our Asbestos Management Plan for review to any parent, teacher, employee, or organization using our school facilities.
Drinking Water Safety
Lead consumption can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead can be found in the home and school environment (in paints, pipes, and soil) and in drinking water. JASD is committed to protecting your children’s health and routinely tests the water quality in our schools.
In December 2019, two water samples displayed elevated lead levels during one of our routine tests. (The action level for lead contamination is 0.015mg/liter.) Of our five samples, two came back elevated. One at 0.015mg/liter, and one at 0.024mg/liter. Since that time, we have implemented a flushing plan to ensure every faucet in our schools is run for several hours every month. The area with the highest lead reading has received a new faucet. As of August 2021, our water samples have registered lead contaminates below the action level.
Pest Management
The Johnsonburg Area School District uses an integrated pest management solution for dealing with insects, rodents, and weeds. We focus on making the school building and grounds an unfavorable habitat for these pests by removing food and water sources and eliminating their hiding and breeding places through regular cleanings and monitoring. If we detect pests in our buildings or on our grounds, we may increase sanitation, modify our storage practices, seal entry points, and/or physically remove the pest.
From time to time, it may be necessary to use chemicals to control a pest problem. When chemicals are used, we will use the least toxic product possible and only apply when children or unauthorized staff do not have access to the area(s) being treated. We will post notices 72 hours prior to application and for two days following the application. Exemptions to this notification include disinfectants and antimicrobial products; self-containerized baits placed in areas not accessible to students and gel type bates placed in cracks, crevices or voids; and swimming pool maintenance chemicals.
If you would like to be notified by telephone when we must make emergency applications of chemicals, please let us know. We prepare a new notification registry every year.
Operations Staff
Paul Asti
Maintenance Supervisor
(814) 965-2536