Johnsonburg Area School District
​Title I

PACT 2019-2020
TEACHER: I understand the importance of a
successful school experience to every student and
my role as a teacher and model. Therefore, I agree
to carry out the following responsibilities:
1.Teach necessary concepts to your child
2.Try to be aware of the individual needs of
your child.
3.Regularly communicate with parents regard-
ing their child’s progress.
STUDENT: I know that my education is im-
portant to me. It will help me to become a suc-
cessful person. I know that my parents want to
help me, but I am the one who is responsible to do
the work. Therefore, I agree to the following:
1. Return completed homework on time.
2. Return corrected homework to my parent/
3. Be at school on time and attend school regu-
larly, unless I am sick.
4. Be responsible for my own behavior.
5. Pay attention and ask for help when needed.
6. Read and practice math facts on a daily basis.
PARENT/CAREGIVER: I realize that my
child’s school years are very important. I also
understand that my participation in my child’s
education will help his/her achievement and atti-
tude. Therefore, I agree to continue to carry out
the following responsibilities:
1. Give my child a quiet place to study.
2. Encourage my child to complete his/her
3. Make sure that my child gets enough sleep
each night.
4. Make sure that my child is at school on time
and attends school regularly.
5. Make sure that my child reads and writes on
a daily basis.
6. Attends Open House and parent conferences.
Parents are encourages to assist in the planning,
design, and implementation of the Title I pro-
gram. Informed and active parent participation
is an essential component to student success.
Ongoing efforts to enhance the effectiveness of
the Title I program will be made by means of
the following activities:
1. Initially, the school will develop a written
policy to ensure that parents are involved
in all phases of the Title I program. This
shall occur after consultation with and
review by parents and updated each year
at the annual meeting.
2. Annually, parents will be invited to a
meeting to update the parent involvement
policy and to further explain and clarify
Title I programs.
3. Parents will be surveyed annually as a way
to assess their needs and to focus parent
involvement in Title I.
4. The school will provide parents with a
description and explanation of the curricu-
lum in use at the school, the forms of aca-
demic assessment used to measure student
progress and the proficiency levels ex-
pected students are expected to meet.
5. Parent Teacher conferences and Title I
information will be available to parents on
a timely basis.
6. At the beginning of each school year, a
home/school compact will be jointly de-
veloped with parents.
7. As the need arises, meeting will be sched-
uled to meet the needs of the parents.
8. Title I funds may be used to pay reasona-
ble and necessary expenses associated
with parent involvement activities.
9. The school will provide materials and
training to help parents to work with their
child to improve their child’s achievement
and to foster parent involvement.


The Johnsonburg Area School District recognizes that parents/families are their
children’s first and most influential teachers and that continued parental
involvement in the education of children/youth contributes greatly to student
achievement and a positive school environment. A child’s education is shared
by the school and family during the entire period the child spends in school. To
support the goal of the Johnsonburg Area School District to educate all student’s
effectively, staff and parents must work as knowledgeable partners. The school
district, in collaboration with parents, shall establish programs and practices that
enhance parent involvement.
The district encourages parental involvement through providing information
about standards and assessments and providing materials for parents to help
their children. The district supports professional development opportunities staff
members to enhance understanding of effective parent involvement strategies
and recognizes the importance of administrating leadership in setting expecta-
tions and creating a climate conductive to parental participation. Engaging and
support active parent involvement as outlined below:

1. This jointly developed and agreed upon written parent involvement policy
is reviewed annually and distributed to parents.
2. Informational meetings will be held for all parents in the fall at our annual
open house. Additional meetings with flexible times shall be held through-
out the year.
3. Parents are given assistance in understanding the state standards and
assessments through the annual meetings and parent-teacher conferences.
4. Parents receive an explanation of the school’s performance profile, forms
of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the expected
proficiency levels in the annual progress report distributed to all parents in
the spring of the year, through individual reports given to parents at
conference time, and through report cards.
5. Parents are informed about the curriculum, instructional objectives, and
methods used to in the instructional program. This information is delivered
through newsletters, conferences, and annual meetings.
6. Parent recommendations are encouraged and responded to in a timely
manner. Verbal or written responses will be given for all recommendations.
7. Parents will be involved with the planning, review, and improvement of the
programs. A Title I parent survey is conducted annually to ascertain needs .
8. A jointly developed school/parent compact outlines how parents, teachers,
administration, and students all share responsibility for improved student
achievement. It is distributed to parents and is reviewed annually.
9. Communication between home and school is on-going, two-way and
10. Parents are welcome and needed in the school, and their support and
assistance are sought.
11. Parents may request and the district will provide information on the professional 
qualification’s of the student’s teachers and whether the child is
provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
12. To the extent feasible and appropriate, the elementary school will collabo-
rate with the parent involvement programs associated with Head Start,
Early Intervention, Parents as Teachers Program, and other public and
private pre-school programs in order to facilitate the student’s school
transition process.


Title I is the largest federal aid program for elementary and secondary schools and is included under the regulations of the “No Child Left Behind Act” (NCLB) that was signed into law by President Bush on January 8, 2002. Under the Title I program, school districts receive federal funds through a multi-step allocation process. The federal funds are allocated according to a legislative formula based mainly on the distribution of low-income children. Once the funds reach the participating schools, children in those schools are selected for services on the basis of low academic performance, regardless of income. The Title I program may differ from one school to another. Each school receiving Title I funds make use of these funds to address the identified needs of the school in regard to student performance. Our Title I is now a school wide program where all students will be served.

The goal of the Title I program is to provide extra help and instruction to students who are experiencing difficulty with reading in order that they may be successful in the regular classroom. The Title I and classroom teachers work together to plan instruction that will best meet the student’s academic needs.

Parents are an integral part of the Title I program in that the support given by the parent in helping their child is an essential component to student success. Effective communication between home and school is very important. The Title I program requires a Home/School compact that describes how the teachers, parents, and students will work together to enhance academic success. In addition to the Home/School Compact, Title I programs require the development of a Parent Involvement Policy. This policy describes the procedures that the school will utilize to encourage and support parent involvement activities throughout the school year. This information is included in this handbook.

​The Title I Program in the Johnsonburg Area Elementary School offers intervention services in reading to students in grades kindergarten through six. This support includes small group instruction, co-taught instruction and consultation services to the classroom teachers. Our Title I Reading teacher is Mrs. Daniele Carnessali.